- Here is the new link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqEmTXXiQjeX9lKIb1PcrfQUngB7Jw81NE-AQKMSjAEgawzQ/viewform
- Here is where you'll find it on the site: www.rowanfirstyearwriting.com/library-resources1.html
The link to request a librarian to attend one of your courses has been updated.
Pearson recently made some notable updates to Writing Arguments, a popular text used in CCII. All default syllabi for CCII have been updated to reflect this change.
The scores have been posted from the CCII Assessment Calibration Sessions here.
www.rowanfirstyearwriting.com/ccii-assessment-info.html Info related to the ongoing assessment of CCII has been added here, under the CCII tab. (See visual instructions for navigating to this page below.)
The CCI and CCII Library Guide, created by Sam Kennedy (Campbell Library's Information Literacy Librarian), has been added under the "Library Resources" Tab. Here is the link for the CCI and CCII Library Guide.
The "Resources for Helping Students" page has been added to the site. This page includes information on how to most effectively deal with situations like students who are in distress or students who communicate that they are experiencing financial difficulties.
https://www.rowanfirstyearwriting.com/resources-for-helping-students.html The "Useful Classroom Technology" page has been taken down, although faculty are encouraged to continue sharing ideas about technology they're using in class through our FYW Facebook group or through teaching circles.
The page that was formerly titled "Quick Links" has been renamed "General Classroom Resources," and the page that was formerly titled "Faculty Nuts and Bolts" has been renamed "Campus Resources," and both of these pages have been consolidated under the new "Rowan Resources" tab.
There were formerly various pages with information about internal and external professional development opportunities. These have all been consolidated into the new "Professional Development" page.
"The Holistic Grading & Grading Scales" and "Policies" pages have been moved under the "Our Program" tab.
Check here for new updates to our site. Archives
December 2018