Here's where you'll find the updated sheet:
Rowan First-Year Writing Program - Instructor Support |
The 2015-2016 Program Goals and Committees sheet has been updated to include more detailed information about CCII assessment.
Here's where you'll find the updated sheet:
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A new assignment sheet for the Definition/Evaluation Argument has been added to the "CCII-Default Syllabi and Sample Assignments" page under the "Topic-Based Course" section. This take on the assignment looks at the definition argument more as an existence argument--or a claim of fact--arguing that a condition exists or does not exists, and then it evaluates that condition.
-Here is a link to the assignment description itself -And here is a link to the page where you will find it: The materials for the March Comp/Rhet reading group meeting have been added to the site.
More details here: |
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