CCII Online- Announcements
Each section of CCII Online is pre-populated with assignment descriptions, discussion board questions, and all other course materials. Because of this, individual instructors are not required to create these materials. An instructor's time, however, tends to be focused on other things--specifically reading and responding to discussion board questions on a semi-weekly basis, as well as creating announcements that guide students through the course in the most advantageous way. What's more, since students in online classes find it especially helpful to be in contact with their instructors, announcements can be a useful way to maintain an open line of communication with students. While you'll want to tailor announcements to your own section, below you will find sample announcements that you are welcome to adapt to suit your course.
Week 1 and 2
Week 3 and 4
Week 5 and 6
Week 7 and 8
Week 9 and 10
Week 11 and 12
Week 13 and 14